Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A smooth transition...

We are so incredibly grateful and thankful for everyone who made us dinner, came to visit, called to check in on us, sent an e-mail or posted a comment since we have been home. When we were leaving the hospital, I was incredibly scared to be at home alone with Sophie and Elsa. I didn't know if I would have to energy to do it. But with everyone's support, our first week home went incredibly well. So well, that Brandon said I was being very spoiled. Which was so true. As the days go on and the more stable Sophie becomes, the easier it is getting.

Thank you Teresa (our neighbor across the street) for bringing us dinner. Thank you Robert (Brandon's boss) and his wife, Kelli, for bringing us dinner and keeping us company...we enjoyed the beautiful evening with you and your little girl, Mariella. Thank you Kelly (a neighbor that lives down the street) for bringing us several dinners to stock our freezer for when the new baby comes.

So THANK YOU all for your support.

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