Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Both neuros are in agreement...it's time to wean. If it hasn't worked now, it's most likely not going to. UGGGGHHHH!!! We had to try it. So we did. I can't look back now but I so hate what it did and still doing to her body and spirit. She just so miserable. VERY MISERABLE. Poor thing. I drove around in the car with her for at least an hour today. I didn't know what to do. All she wants to do is eat but she is tired of eating so she didn't want to eat but her body kept telling her she was hungry. I couldn't do anything to settle her down so I loaded the kids in the car and we went for a ride. Luckily, it was about Elsa's nap time so she slept the whole time. Sophie just watched her video. Soon this will all be over. The wean will take 4 weeks. I think we might try to shorten it to 3 weeks. Why not? It's not like it stopped her seizures. She is suppose to be on .5ml/day for 7 days, then .4ml/day for 7 days, then .25ml/day for 7 days, then .1ml/day for 7 days. I think we might do each dose for 5 days instead. I just so want to get this over with.


Lori said...

As soon as this is over, she'll be back to her old self. I remember how amazed I was that Nora bounced back so quickly. I am so sorry it hasn't worked but you had to try. Only a few more weeks then you can go back to normal.


JSmith5780 said...

I'm so sorry this didn't work :(