Thursday, July 10, 2008

There's more...

When I post, it is usually late at night. I am tired and my brain isn't functioning all that well. I try to get out the essentials and always tell myself that I will share all the good news in my next post but...

So here goes...

Sophie's expressive language continues to grow. She is becoming more and more spontaneous with her words and signs. She says things now that I completely have no idea what she is talking about but she is trying to find the words to tell me. It's different syllables put together that is suppose to be a word but I just haven't figured it out yet. But she is trying. She is trying to say more than just the words we ask her to repeat. That is such incredible progress. Her list of words continues to grow. She says "HeyHey" for Haley and a weird sounding "el" for Elsa. Oh, I just remembered that I left off "up" from the last list. She is also attempting to say "open".

Her walking continues to become more stable. She is going up and down the steps with more independence. Actually, she can walk up the steps all by herself now. crawling. Sometimes it is even step over step (meaning only one foot on each step instead of putting one foot on the step and the other foot on the same step).

There's more but it is really late now and I really cannot think at the moment. I promise to share pictures and some sweet stories really soon.


Anonymous said...

We've got our fingers crossed and have Sophie in our prayers every day.... Looking forward to her continued improvement.

Give her abd Elsa a hug and kiss from us.

See you all in a couple of weeks.



Lori said...


Lori said...

I am so glad that Sophie is showing some signs of seizure improvement on ACTH. And what great news about her expressive language. I hope she isn't too cranky. Nora and I are thinking of you and Sophie.

PS- I don't know why I always send 2 comments.....